The Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO) is the nation's only multimodal advocacy organization for minority professionals and businesses in the transportation industry. Home-based in Washington D.C. and with over thirty chapters spread across the country, COMTO holds a unique voice for minority professionals and businesses in transportation. Among its initiatives are a national scholarship program and ongoing professional development and training opportunities. Members include individuals, transportation agencies, academic institutions, industry non-profits and Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs). From highways and roads to mass transit systems, subways and rail systems, and port authorities to airports, COMTO members represent every level of the transportation industry.
COMTO Fort Lauderdale Chapter supports the same objectives as COMTO National.
In addition to the national COMTO goals and objectives, COMTO Fort Lauderdale established the following Vision and Mission Statement:
Vision: Our quest is a continual journey to develop the education and career opportunities of our members within the transportation industry.
Mission Statement: The mission of the Fort Lauderdale COMTO Chapter is to strengthen the position of minorities by supporting members to grow into leadership positions and assisting communities in the areas of education and awareness of the transportation industry.
This can be accomplished by sponsoring and supporting the following activities:
Core Values: (Adopted from the National Office)